Initially i typed quite a long entry. in the end, decided to cut it short n summarise it.
Catch up with gwen and jiayi today! we met and went for kbox lunch!! shop ard marina square and had my hair cut. both gals went w me! =)
rush off for class at nexus after the hair cut and parted with gwen n jiayi.
looked for jiayi after my class at nexus to walk to the train station. who knows, she and gwen planned a surprise early bdae celebration for me!
spent our time at TCC. then the gals treat me for Garfield 2 ! =)
earlier on, they tried asking me wat movie i am interested to catch recently in a subtle way!! =p
"hey gals, though u alrd watched the show, u gals actually watched w me! thanx for the cake,the movie and cab really warmth my heart. i enjoyed myself w u gals! like wat i said, most imptly, thanx for the friendship! =) "
jiayi and gwen, thanx for loving me!!! u are appreciated greatly by deb!!
enjoy the photos below! (photo taken consist of today's n sat)
26/06/06 (monday-today!)
Happy 3 friends!
A new ice cream machine found at cine Cheers!
A slice of love from jiayi and gwen! (its more that a chocolate cake =) )
On 24/06/06
**chilling with gid,freedy,peter n junhuang:
Gideon "offended" someone...thats y he use his bag to cover his face!
(i forgot he offended who though =p )
PETER!!! (Miss serving w u brother!)
Junhuang finding freedy kinda....weird
(Junhuang!! miss having u in our team too!)
Reunion =)
**Random photos:
chantel and eevoon! pretty pretty!
haa.a..force chantel to take this pic w me! she willingly accept it =p
"God, thank you for creating such relationship called--friendship. it strengthens and encourage me in running this race. thru friendships, i see your love for me, your constant guidance and encouragement. =) "